I am (not) a lawyer

I am (not) a lawyer.

When someone asks me what I do – for example in a coffee shop or gym – I often have to give a short lecture about inventions and patents in order to explain what a patent attorney is and does. It is certainly a game to explain what I do in the shortest way possible. The best one I had so far is "helping protect people's brands and inventions". (Intellectual property is not a word I like to use in these situations, as it does not seem to simplify things.) However, even when I explain it like this, it tends to be translated to being a lawyer. This becomes quite evident when the next question is: "Did you always want to be a lawyer?" I used to start explaining that I actually have a Masters degree in Engineering, but nowadays, at this point, I usually just give up and accept being a lawyer.

My parents are also patent attorneys. I remember that any time I was asked in elementary school what my parents do, I had genuinely no idea. After some time, I learned what to say, but still didn't understand a word of it. 

How do you usually introduce yourself?

Are you (not) a lawyer as well?

It is so funny that 99% of the world doesn't know that we, patent attorneys exist. Today, on World Intellectual Property Day (April 26), let's celebrate ourselves, patent attorneys as well.


What do you enjoy most about being a patent attorney?


Email etiquette between attorney and client