Geographical Indications

After my trip in Portugal, we discussed with Marie Barani how we both like to try local products protected by Geographical Indications when travelling. I guess this hobby is common among IP professionals, isn't it?

Since then, I wanted to post a short summary about Geographical Indication and its types.

The official definition from WIPO's website: "A geographical indication (GI) is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin." 

These products are usually – delicious – foodstuffs, such as cheese, meat, fruit and vegetable; spirits and wine.

There are three types in the EU, indicated by different circle-shaped logos. You can easily spot these products in the supermarket, looking for the blue or red labels on the packaging. Only products that meet the various geographical and quality criteria can use these signs. 

Let's see the types and the difference:

1) Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) –> this is the advanced one, since to meet the requirements of this indication, the entire product must be traditionally and entirely manufactured (prepared, processed and produced) within the specific region.

2) Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) –> to be able to get this indication, the entire product must be traditionally and at least partially manufactured (prepared, processed or produced) within the specific region.

3) Traditional speciality guaranteed (TSG) –> not linked to a specific geographical area. To qualify for a TSG a food must be of "specific character" and either its raw materials, production method or processing must be "traditional".

Did you know that there is a website where you can browse PDO and PGI products from the EU? Link:

I am proud to confirm that our Hungarian paprika and sausage is also in this register.🙋🏽‍♀️

Please share the PDO and PGI products from your country that you are proud of in the comments! 


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