Anniversary of my EQE blog

I don't necessarily agree with always pushing ourselves outside the comfort zone. We cannot spend too much time outside our comfort zone, because the stress might become unbearable. (And let's not forget that everyone has a different tolerance of stress.)

However, leaving our comfort zone every once in a while is definitely a great thing. Here is my personal experience.⬇️

Last summer I packed up my things and moved to the UK. Shortly after, I started my EQE blog at and exactly one year ago I published my first article:

After realizing that EQE candidates will not be able to find my brand new website via Google (about 7.5 million blog posts are published every day on the internet, so websites can get lost easily), I slowly started sharing my blog here on LinkedIn as well. The number of connections has slowly grown from about 200 to about 1200 during this year, and this way EQE candidates could finally find my EQE blog posts!🥳

So, for an unknown reason, moving away from my home country and getting outside my comfort zone made me more courageous and pushed me to start posting on LinkedIn. Moving didn't make me smarter or teach me more about the EQE, but I still had to move to start my blog. Does this make any sense?😀

Have you ever noticed something similar in your life?


Patent statistics (B2, B3 documents)


Lack of support for the EQE from employers