4 months left til the EQE

There are 4 months left until EQE 2022.đŸ˜±

Time flies fast, with our small D1 study group we have already discussed 65 D1 questions! I hope that your preparation is going well too!

A few tips for you:

  • If you haven't yet, now is the time to start preparing for D2 as well. It is imperative that you don't wait until January.

  • Start practicing in WISEflow; there are lots of Mock exams uploaded already.

  • Start practicing with templates and tables that you will use during the exam too. They don't have to be final at this point, you can make some changes as you are creating your method. However, don't use Excel sheets for tables, since you will not have access to Excel during the real exam.

  • Update your study plan, and if needed, make some realistic changes. Make sure that you have enough time to go through all topics until the end of January, leaving February for revisions.

  • For D1 questions, don't forget to also check out the Practiceeqe website that offers lots of D1 questions put together by a group of EQE tutors. While you are browsing there, check http://practiceeqe.com/team.php to see if you find any new but familiar faces đŸ¤—


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