Paper D in WISEflow
While doing Mock 1 Paper D (the Paper from 2016), I took a few photos to illustrate my method. I do not think I have found any tricks or that I am doing anything in a special way, but maybe someone will still find my summary helpful.
Part D1:
Different methods: Some people check all D1 questions first and decide which one to start with. I never check the questions, because my method is just trying to answer all questions one after another. I believe that there is time (especially now that we have about 3.5 minutes/mark) to write some kind of answer to all questions. Of course, there will be a few questions (possibly PCT related) where we will spend a little bit more time, and questions that will go quicker. I would be afraid that by checking all questions I would lose a lot of time with the decision making.
Some candidates open all questions in different tabs. I personally did not find it more useful than just simply reading one question, writing my answer and so on.
D1 is quite straightforward, so just a very short summary:
Steps I follow:
Copy the questions that you have to answer into your draft – not the whole text of the question, just the specific part of the question that needs a response. Leave space after the questions where you will write. This way you have less chance to lose your focus while answering.
1. Which fees shall be paid within one month of filing?
<this is where you will write your answer>
2. How do you minimize the amount of these fees?
<this is where you will write your answer>
3. Do you have to take any further action with respect to the payment of these fees?
<this is where you will write your answer>Read the whole question at least 2x (in another tab or in the window, where it is more convenient)
Make some notes or draw a timeline on a piece of paper, if necessary
Open the question in the window next to your draft paper so that you can check it while writing and start writing your answer
Check if you used all the information given in the question
Part D2:
Combined timetable+table:
For Paper D, I do not think that the lack of highlighting is a huge problem. If you have a good table and had time to practice D2 questions with your table, you will be fine. However, a good timeline+table is really important this year. Make sure to print a couple of them before the exam. You can find mine here, feel free to download it if it helps.
Steps I follow:
1. Copy the questions that you have to answer into the editor
2. Dates
Write all the dates of the letter on a piece of paper, then add them to your table in chronological order.
Many candidates used to highlight all dates to find them easier. However, if you use Ctrl+F (Win) or Cmd+F (Mac) and search “20”, all important dates will be highlighted in WISEflow, and you can collect them from the text easily. You can also search “ago”, “before”, “last”, because sometimes there are some additional dates (like two weeks ago).
3. Read whole text very carefully and fill your table simultaneously,
make notes of the legal issues you spot while reading (I do this on a piece of paper).
4. Read again and check if you got everything right.
You should finish steps 1-4 in 45 min-1 hour. (This depends on the length of the Paper D2 you are doing.)
5. Check your initial ideas in reference book, if necessary
(For example you notice that some pages were not filed –> you can quickly check whether R.56 can be applied before you forget. Or you notice that EP phase has not been started yet –> you can quickly calculate whether FP is still possible. I usually spend a few minutes with these quick checks before starting writing.)
6. Prepare a short template (by copying your printed template to the editor) for the situation-as-is part that you can copy for all the subject matters/applications
This way, you will not miss any important steps and you will need to do less writing.
When I took the photo, I started with application by application which is not the best for this Paper, but you get the point.
7. Start writing
8. Check your notes about the legal issues and client's wishes to see if you covered all topics
Additional tip:
I noticed that the calendar was not in Wiseflow for Mock 1. In case this happens at the EQE as well, and your printer has any problems, you will not have a calendar at all. On the EPO's EQE site you can already download and print the calendar for the EQE here. (Click on Paper D 2021 somewhere in the middle of the page.)
If you do have a working printer on the day of the exam, print the calendar from the system and use that version for the EQE. However, if you do have any problems, you will have a calendar with you.
Although you probably read it already, but do not forget to check Pete Pollard's blog to read his tips and to see how he used the WISEflow system.