New online Paper A and B courses

I spent June and July preparing videos related to Papers A and B. To be honest, I would have preferred spending that time on a beach, as I really dislike Paper A and B…

However, since there are only two years left of the old Papers A and B, I want to help current EQE candidates pass these exams so they don’t have to take the M3 in the new system, which definitely won’t be any easier.

Originally, I planned to create online courses for all exams, but producing these videos took much more time than expected. So, unfortunately, at least for now, I can only offer new materials for Papers A and B.

I’m not saying these materials are magic tools, but I put all my knowledge I had about these exams in my new videos! My hope is that candidates who aren’t financially supported and don’t have the budget for courses costing over a thousand euros can still get the same value and information they would from attending a 2- or 3-day long course.

I’ve created different packages, but all of them will include at least these materials:

  • Introduction video about the exam (and PDF slides)

  • methodology video (and PDF slides)

  • template

  • steps of methodology

  • analysis video of an old exam

  • written answer

  • annotated text.

You can choose from the 2018 and/or 2024 Paper A exams and the 2019 and/or 2022 Paper B exams.

So many EQE candidates have passed the exams using these methodologies since 2022! I hope they will be helpful for you too.


A possible 6-month study plan for EQE 2025


2nd Munich Meetup