Fee quotations

Attorneys are supposed to do what is best for their clients, right? It might be because I am a Millennial, but I cannot understand how most of the fee quotations I see on a daily basis serve the clients. 

Also, as a customer, I wouldn't want to read a 4-page-long fee quotation and use a calculator to figure out what the final fee is going to be. 

Why not give a single flat fee that includes all the acts that need to be done at the same step? (I know that in certain cases it is not possible to provide simple flat fees, but I am not talking about the specific situations now.)

Which of the following would you appreciate as a customer?

1. A single flat fee

(includes: - this
- that
- also this
- also that)

2. Multiple fees 

fee - filing
fee - search
fee - disbursement
fee - forwarding office action
fee - registration
fee - payment of an official fee
fee - forwarding registration certificate

It is not like you can pick from the second list and not pay some of them. All of them seem to be required. I believe that the first option is the one that serves clients and can ensure clear and transparent communication.


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