
Birthdays used to be very special for me when I was a kid. As my birthday is in the summer, I never had to go to school on my birthday, which I obviously loved.

As I grew up (in a sense 😜) birthdays have lost their magic a bit. However, I often have shorter workdays on my birthdays and allow myself to take some time off. For some reason, I can relax and do other things on my birthday without any guilt. (I always have guilt when I have a day off on an average workday – I know I have to work on this.)

I think that if I'll ever have employees, I will let them have their birthdays off.

So, today, on my birthday, my only plan is to respond to every email (I have a zero inbox policy). Otherwise, I am spending the day outside, in specialty coffee shops and celebrate with my loved ones.

I am really curious - do you work on your birthday? (223 votes)

  • Yes, I do – it's just another day - 51% voted

  • Yes, because I have to - 9% voted

  • Yes, but not a full day - 8% voted

  • No - 32% voted

Link to the original post is here.


Educational content: Extending time limits before the EPO

