About the European Patent Attorney profession




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How did you learn about the Patent Attorney profession and what inspired you to become a (European) Patent Attorney?

Most people know that Patent Attorneys help clients obtain a patent. However, what other tasks are you responsible for? 

What does the team structure at your workplace look like?

What does your average workday look like?

What would a dream workday as a (European) Patent Attorney look like for you?

What is the most exciting aspect of being a (European) Patent Attorney for you?

What are your least favourite tasks?

Does your job allow you to have time for your hobbies? Do you have any side projects related to patents?

If you could start your career over, would you change anything?

If the Patent Attorney profession suddenly disappeared tomorrow, what else would you do?

What advice would you give someone that wants to become a European Patent Attorney?

What do you think about the future outlook of our profession?