Mock Paper D

You might have read on LinkedIn that I’m organising a Mock Paper D exam this year too! Last year’s Mock Paper D1 exam was very popular among Paper D candidates, as it gave a great opportunity to check their knowledge about 1 week before the exam.

This time, it will be even better, as it will also include a D2 part! So, you can also test your stamina and how to concentrate for about 6-7 hours.

Date: Sunday, 2 March 2025

Where: Online, via Zoom

Time: 9:30-16:45 CET (same schedule as your Paper D, see below)

About the Mock Paper D exam:

By updating and modifying old D1 questions (from 2009, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018), I have created a Mock Paper D exam for candidates with the same setup as your Paper D exam in 2025: D1-1 part including 3 questions for 24 marks altogether, and D1-2 part including 2 questions for 21 marks in total.

Today's date in all 5 questions is 11 March 2025, the date of Paper D 2025.

The topics are diverse, but I also made sure to use the most common EQE topics and also added many more recent legal topics. Yes, there are also PCT related questions, yes, PCT questions in plural... 😅

Two of us checked the questions and answers separately to make sure they are clear enough.

The D2 part is an old D2 exam with changed dates and slightly shortened text (I have also deleted one question to make it a bit shorter).

If you have also attended Fillun Mock Paper D in 2024, please note that one D1 question is the same as in last year’s Fillun Mock Paper D1 (but the dates have still been changed).

How does the Mock exam work?

If you purchase the product (with the date and ‘via Zoom’ in the name), you will be registered for the Mock exam (maximum 95 places available). The Mock exam will take place on Sunday, 2 March 2025 via Zoom. Registered candidates will receive a Zoom meeting invitation via email a few days before the Mock exam.

I will start the Zoom meeting about 15 minutes before the exam starts. When the exam starts, you will receive the questions in PDF via the Zoom chat and you can answer them on your computer under time pressure, using any text editor. Please don’t be late, as you will not see the content of the chat, i.e. the questions, if you enter late.

I will monitor the time during the whole exam, let you know when the breaks start, will send you the further exam parts in PDF and will stay with you in the Zoom session until 16:45.

After the exam, you will get my solution in email so that you can correct your answers. (Please kindly note that I will not correct your answer.)

Mock Paper D in your own time

The price includes 20% VAT.

D1 and D2 study group members have 50% discount. (If you are using the discount code but are not a member of a D1 or a D2 study group, your registration will not be valid.)

I decided to share one question from last year’s mock so that you can see what you can expect, and to also give you an option to practice for Paper D. ⬇️

QUESTION 1 (13 points)

For European patent applications EP1 and EP2, the applicant filed a divisional DIV1 on 8 October 2023 of EP1, and a divisional DIV2 on 21 January 2024 of EP2.

The applicant received an invitation, under R.58 EPC, to file the missing claims for DIV1 no later than 9 February 2024. When checking his files, the applicant confirmed that the missing claims was the only deficiency in DIV1. He also noticed that there was a single deficiency in the filing of DIV2, namely that the filing and search fees had not been paid. On 9 February 2024 the applicant tried to file the claims for DIV1 and to pay the fees for DIV2. However, in spite of all due care taken, the claims for DIV1 failed to arrive at the EPO and the debit order for DIV2 could not be executed as there were insufficient funds in the account.

The applicant learned about these failures today, 5 March 2024, by receipt of two EPO communications, dated 1 March 2024, indicating the loss of rights for DIV1 and DIV2.

a) Can the claims for DIV1 still be validly filed?

b) The filing date of EP1 is 8 August 2019. For DIV1, no renewal fee has been paid yet. Which renewal fees must be paid before the end of 2024 and until when?

c) Can a new divisional application of DIV2 be validly filed today?

d) The filing date of EP2 is 10 March 2019. For DIV2, no renewal fee has been paid yet. Which renewal fees must be paid before the end of 2024, and until when can they be paid without surcharge?


Final preparations


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