Eindhoven Meetup
The first Fillun community event in the Netherlands is coming! 🤩
Quite spontaneously, I decided to organise a mini-meetup in Eindhoven for any recently (or partially) qualified European patent attorneys and EQE candidates who already started their journey to become European patent attorneys. If you work at the EPO but are interested in attending, you are also welcome!
You don’t have to live in Eindhoven. If you are interested in meeting like-minded people, please feel free to come also from other cities/countries! You also don’t need to attend any of my courses to be able to join this meetup.
Date: Saturday, 25 January, 17:00-21:00
Program: Informal meeting to network, chat, eat and drink (since the EQE is in 2 months, we can also discuss any EQE topics 🤓)
Thank you for attending :)